📋 Loop 4: Profile building


New updates and improvements.

Loop 4: releases, improvements and fixes

13th February - 2nd of March

📊 Loop data

78% of Loop tasks completed

🎉 Releases

  • Engineer self-build Phase 1: Admin enhancements to speed up sign-up time for engineers. See release post.
  • Chrome extension to speed up profile data importing.
  • Warning to inform companies they will lose credits when they pause their account
  • Release of releases.cord.co to give more visibility on product changes to users and cordians

📈 Improvements

  • Credit info added to Vitally (CS Tool)
  • Improved handling/notification when zero slots are available in a company’s calendar
  • Theming support added to app
  • Job type added in request demo API
  • CS enabled PMF: Product Market Fit feedback survey can now be sent through vitally. See release post.

🔧 Fixes

  • Location search fix. Now all cities show up within county searches. See release post.
  • Sourcing credit handouts fix. Scheduled subscriptions now receive the correct credits. See release post.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in response rate and number of requests for companies
  • Fixed UI/Image bug when selecting people hired from dropdown for companies
  • Fix to enable internal users to delete admins in the cord admin console
  • Reduced the amount of (data/query) logging on dev environments to reduce subscription cost of DataDog
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