💸 OTE on positions and profiles

Project: Sales Project Type: 🚀 Feature User: 🤝 All users

Key changes

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Salary for sales positions is made up of two parts:

  1. Base salary
  1. Commission: this is paid dependent on how much of their target the salesperson hits

The sum of these is called On Target Earnings (OTE).

Previously, only base salary was available on cord positions. This meant salespeople were missing out on the full picture of what their total earnings might be.

On their own profiles, people were only able to input their base salary expectations - when many sales people told us they want to be able to optionally input their OTE expectations too.


Companies can now input OTE range on sales positions. This can be a range, or uncapped.

People can optionally input their expected OTE, which will be displayed on their full profile.

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Thanks to…

Thank you David & Jiyeon for your work on this feature.

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