💬 Message prompts

Type: 🚀 Feature User: 🏢 Company

Key changes

Notion image
  1. Company users can add a message prompt to positions.
  1. This is displayed in the chat interface when a candidate first messages about a position, enabling them to address the prompt in their message.


Company users have often requested a screening questions feature on cord, because they often receive high volumes of applications which are difficult to sift through.

Because cord is a messaging platform - and applying is as simple as starting a conversation - screening questions didn’t align with the product.

However, we could clearly see that companies needed a way of eliciting certain information from people in their first message. And, we know that people applying often find it difficult to know what to say in that first message.


Company users can now add a message prompt to each position (via the position edit page).

When someone clicks to message about their position, they will see the prompt in the chat box and can address the question in their first message.


Thank you to Katerina for designing message prompts, and Jiyeon (FE) and David (BE) for building it.

What’s next?

We will be closely monitoring the success of the feature and gathering feedback from users. Based on this, we may develop the feature further - for example, perhaps introducing AI to generate the prompts or providing a ‘prompt bank’.

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