Company type tabs on Discover page

Project: 🔎 Position Discovery Type: 🚀 Feature User: 💁🏻‍♀️ People

Key changes

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Instead of needing to scroll on the Discover page to find different types of positions, the page is split into four tabs: All - Direct - External - Agency



Previously, users had to scroll down the page to find different types of positions, which meant in many cases people were missing out on positions that might be relevant for them.


To make Discover consistent with Search, where results are split into separate tabs (Direct, External, Agency), the Discover page is now formatted the same way. This makes it more obvious that there are different types of positions on cord, and easier to navigate to them.

There is also an ‘All’ tab which shows all positions, separated into sections (like before - you scroll through the direct first, then will see agency positions, then external). The infinite scroll issue has been fixed so users can actually get to the next sections! Tooltips have been added to each tab so that the user knows what the difference between them is.

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