📋 Loop 21


New updates and improvements.

Loop 21: releases, improvements and fixes

🎉 Releases

  • Annual salary benchmarking report requested by customer
  • [internal] Candidate profile change capture which allows us to track how a user’s profile evolves over time

📈 Improvements

  • Previously, on the Notion integration the phone number appeared as nullnull if the candidate did not have a number available on their profile. Now the integration does not pass anything if the number is null, so that the field is empty.
  • Removed agencies from company hiring leaderboards
  • [internal] Added a webhook when a user is added / removed from an agency account

🔧 Fixes

  • Fixed messageFilter not passing through correctly
  • Fixed match score not updating when candidate updates their profile
  • Fixed duplicate positions / companies appearing in custom search
  • Removed 'Started conversation with' on candidate profiles (on mini and full profile) for agencies
  • Fixed ‘Make position visible’ button which was not working for Hidden positions on agency accounts
  • Removed blocked positions from candidate homepage results (where a company has blocked a candidate due to work eligibility)
  • [internal] Fixed issue where webhook notification was not coming through to Slack when a company paid
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Last updated on October 27, 2023