📋 Loop 22


New updates and improvements.

Loop 22: releases, improvements and fixes

🎉 Releases

  • Hiring Leaders Awards in-app notification to let companies know that the awards will be announced soon

📈 Improvements

  • Added Hiring Insights to footer links on company accounts
  • [internal] Created easy way to access CDN image
  • Changed pending outbound message logic so that candidates can still accept/decline messages from companies even after the company’s account has expired
  • Added tracking to Position View

🔧 Fixes

  • Fixed issue where cord CV was downloading as a blank PDF
  • Fixed issue where user would see position approval notification before position was actually approved
  • Fixed issue where one candidate was unable to see a message request they’d received an email about
  • Incorrect stream totals displayed on position view because they were including hidden and previously dealt with candidates. Position view and streams now display the same number.
  • Fixed issues with the updated sidebar: handling of positions with no members associated; handling of tooltips.
  • Autodeclined messages now marked as seen for companies
  • Removed cord from hiring leaderboards
  • Fixed issue where user can’t create a position by duplicating another position
  • Fixed issue where closed positions with no associated member broke position view
  • Fixed loading time issue on position view
  • Removed access to search and streams for expired agency accounts
  • Fixed bug where long positions titles were blocking the Edit Position button
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