🔦 Sales sourcing made easy

Project: Sales Project Type:🚀 Feature User: 🏢 Company

Key changes

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View and filter for the size deal, sales cycle length, type of sales and type of company that sales candidates have experience with.



From speaking to people looking for sales jobs and people hiring for sales positions, it was clear that the information provided on sales profiles on cord was not fit for purpose. The skills did not help people hiring filter down streams and find relevant people. On the other side, sales candidates were confused about which of the many sales skills they should add to core and other skills.


For people looking for sales positions, we now ask more granular questions to elicit specific information about their experience. This means sales profiles will be more consistent and enable companies to filter more effectively. The “Sales experience” questions are questions a person hiring would typically ask on a screening call.


  1. We have migrated existing sales skills - if a person has a sales job title, and has a skill in their core or other skills that matches the sales experience questions, it is migrated to a new “sales experience” section on their profile.
  1. All new users who select a sales job title on sign up will be asked whether they have sales experience or not.
    1. If they do not have sales experience (but are looking for a sales job) they will add core and other skills
    2. If they do have experience, they will answer the sales experience questions (see bottom of page) and can add other tools/skills they have experience in.

3. Companies will see a Sales experience section on profiles for any user that has inputted this information.

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On streams, company users can filter for specific sales experience via the ‘Core skills’ and ‘All skills’ filters.

This change should help companies hiring sales positions find people have the experience they require more easily. If you have any questions about the feature, please reach out to anna@cord.co
This change should help companies hiring sales positions find people have the experience they require more easily. If you have any questions about the feature, please reach out to anna@cord.co

Any candidate with sales experience answers the questions below. Their answers will appear on the ‘Sales experience’ section of their profile.

  1. What size deal are you most experienced selling? (choose up to 2)
    1. 1-10k
    2. 11-50k
    3. 101-500k
    4. 501k+
  1. What sales cycle length are you most experienced in? (choose up to 2)
    1. 1-3 months
    2. 4-6 months
    3. 7-12 months
    4. 12+ months
  1. What type of company are you. most experienced selling to? (optional)
    1. Start-ups
    2. SMBs
    3. Mid-market
    4. Enterprise
  1. What type of sales are you most experienced in? (choose up to 2)
    1. Inbound
    2. Outbound
    3. B2B
    4. B2C
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