🔧 New company email fix

No more unwanted emails when you sign up to cord

Project: 🐞 Bugs & UX/UI enhancements Type: 🔧 Fix User: 🏢 Companies


When a company user is invited to join a cord account, they are asked to select the positions they're hiring for during the set up flow. However, no matter what they selected on the set up flow, they were getting notification emails for all of the positions on the account.

This resulted in company users feeling like they were being spammed by cord from the get-go.


Now when a company user joins a cord account, the positions they select during the set up flow will be the positions they'll get notification emails for. They can still update their notification preferences at any point via Settings > Notifications, but this fix should prevent users from feeling like they're being overwhelmed with email notifications for positions they're not actively involved in hiring for.


In fixing this bug, we also realised that streams were not being autogenerated based on the positions a company user selects during the set up flow. This is now fixed to so company users will get autogenerated streams for the positions they're hiring for.

Here’s a 30 second Loom of the fixes in action:


Great work from Marco (BE) & Vinu (FE) for swatting these bugs and helping us ship the features fast for your users.

What next?

More fixing of annoying bugs and UX/UI issues that are standing in the way of some users having a flawless experience.

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Last updated on January 31, 2023