🏆 Hiring Leaders Awards

Inaugural awards that celebrate companies creating change in the hiring industry.

Project: 🏆 cord awards Type: 🚀 Feature User: 🏢 Company

Key changes

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  1. The cord Hiring Leaders Awards celebrate the Top 20 companies in small(1-50 employees), mid sized (51-500 employees) and large (500+ employees) categories, who set exceptional standards in hiring.
  1. The award categories are:
    1. Most Responsive
    2. Fastest to Respond
    3. Leaders in Gender Diversity sourcing


Hiring in technology is broken. On average, people are left waiting for 2 weeks to hear back from an application, and some never hear back at all. Women still only make up 26% of the workforce. And that only scratches the surface…

We recognise however that hiring is hard & time-consuming. Talent functions are often under-appreciated and under-celebrated for the exceptional work they do.

The inaugural cord Hiring Leaders Awards Spring 2023 are built to address this. They celebrate companies that lead the way in creating the change the industry needs. They recognise and shine a light on the people and companies who are doing things right.

Based on the last 3 months of cord data, these companies have proved to be: Most responsive, Fastest to Respond or Leaders in Gender Diversity Sourcing.


The cord Hiring Leaders Awards celebrate the Top 20 companies in small(1-50 employees), mid-sized (51-500 employees) and large (500+ employees) categories, who set exceptional standards in hiring.


The 3 categories that companies are ranked in the Spring 2023 awards are:

  1. Most Responsive: Awarded to the Top 20 companies in each size category that responds to the highest % of applications within 14 days. Where response rates of companies are the same, the company with the most applications are ranked higher.
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  1. Fastest to Respond: Awarded to the Top 20 companies in each size category that are the fastest to respond to applications.
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  1. Gender Diversity Sourcing: Awarded to the Top 20 companies in each size category that sourced the highest percentage of females above the industry average.
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When are the awards given?

The Spring 2023 Awards are officially announced on Monday, May 15th 2023.

Going forward, the cord Hiring Leaders awards are announced in the final month of each season. The date range used for the measurement of the awards is the preceding 3 months. As below:

  • Spring Awards Measurement Period: February, March, April
    • Spring announcement: May
  • Summer Awards Measurement Period: May, June, July,
    • Summer announcement: August
  • Autumn Awards Measurement Period: August, September, October
    • Autumn announcement: November
  • Winter Awards Measurement Period: November, December, January
    • Winder announcement: February

Who qualifies for contention in the awards?

Any company with an active cord subscription at the closing date of the awards can qualify for an award.

  • For example, if a company has an active subscription at the end of April, it will be in contention for the Spring Awards (announced in May).

A company must have had 10 or more interactions on cord relevant to the specific award.

  • For example, to qualify for the “fastest to respond” award, the company must have had a minimum of 10 applications across the award period.


Incredible work from Becky in the data team allowed us to pull out key platform data that would enable us to celebrate companies making a difference - based on the truth of what is happening on cord. A report was created that identified the leaders in the 3 categories, and from this the design and tech team were able to start building.


We aimed to keep our approach as simple as possible, using layouts from our Live Hires page, we introduced new data and new pages. Incredible work from Katerina (Design), Jiyeon (FE) and Marco (BE) allowed us to scope and build this project within 2 weeks! Operationally we also needed to manage the roll-out of this project, and Rebecca (CS) and Chloe (Marketing) helped to ensure that winners

What’s next?

That’s it for the Hiring Leaders Awards for this season, but the success of the project means we will continue to build on this project ahead of the Summer Awards season. We will be creating live leaderboards, that will allow any company to see where they rank against other companies in the categories. We are also considering using candidate feedback to enhance our categories and make our commitment to celebrating companies who truly care about candidate experience even stronger.

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