Closed BETA: Application tracker (MVP)

Project: All in One Type: 🚀 Feature User: 💁🏻‍♀️ People

Key changes

Notion image
  • Track all of your applications on cord.
  • The kanban style board has columns for each stage: Liked, Application Started, Applied, Interviewing, Offered, Hired, and Rejected.
  • Automations do the heavy lifting by moving positions between stages based on your actions.
  • Drag-and-drop functionality means you can easily move positions manually.


Looking for work is challenging enough without the added stress of juggling numerous applications across different platforms. During the process, people looking for work find themselves lost in a sea of positions, with no way to track everything in one place. The new application tracker solves this problem by keeping everything organised and accessible directly within cord. Now, you can easily track where you are with each application without relying on external tools or spreadsheets.


A kanban-style application tracking board designed to help you manage every step of your job applications, whether you’re applying directly through cord or using company career pages. The board automatically updates based on your activity. You can also drag and drop positions, and hide ones you don’t need to track anymore.


Here’s a breakdown of the automations for each stage/column on the application tracker:

  1. Liked
      • Any position that you’ve liked but haven’t applied to yet will automatically appear in this column. This stage is the starting point for your application journey.
  1. Application Started
      • If you click to apply for an external position but haven’t marked it as applied yet, it will move to this column. If you click to start messaging a direct position, it will also move to this column. This stage helps track positions where you’ve shown interest but haven’t completed the application process.
  1. Applied
      • This column will include any position that you’ve either sent a direct message to (direct positions) or marked as applied (external positions). Once you take these actions, the position is automatically moved here.
  1. Interviewing
      • Manually move any positions you’re interviewing for into this column.
  1. Offered
      • Any position that you manually move to this column indicates that an offer has been received. This stage is entirely user-driven, so you’ll need to move the position here when you receive an offer.
  1. Hired
      • If a position is manually moved to this column by the user or if the company marks you as hired, it will appear here. Pat yourself on the back!
  1. Rejected
      • Positions will move to this column automatically if you decline a message from a company, or if they decline your message. This stage helps you keep track of opportunities that didn’t pan out.


This project began with prototype testing, as we wanted to understand the main challenges people face when tracking their applications and how useful a way of tracking applications on cord would be. Once we’d gathered feedback on this and our initial prototype, we were able to split the project up into phases, starting with an MVP which would include basic functionality so that people can begin to track their applications on cord.

Huge thank you to Katerina (Head of UI/UX) Hasan (Back End Engineer) and Jiyeon (Front End Engineer) for their work on this feature!

What’s next?

We are releasing the application tracker MVP in closed BETA to a small number of users. This is so that we can closely monitor usage and gather feedback. After this, we’ll start building the next phases which include:

  • Being able to change the stage of the position via the main position card
  • Ability to toggle chats for direct positions and see chat notifications on the board
  • Search functionality
  • Ability to add interview dates to positions in the Interviewing column


If you have any feedback or suggestions on the board, please email

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