📋 Loop 8


New updates and improvements.

Loop 8: releases, improvements and fixes

🎉 Releases

  • Released External Listing data report, to measure how many candidates have applied to external positions.
  • Companies new to cord can now claim their profile so that they can manage their positions, run searches and use the salary benchmarking tool.
  • cord CV! Everyone looking for work on cord can download a cord CV generated from their profile.

📈 Improvements

  • Removed Insights category from candidate Search.
  • Prevented new incorrect work eligibilities from entering the database.
  • Added Slack webhooks to notify the Sales team when a company has claimed their cord profile.
  • [external request] Updated Workable url on partner page.
  • Updated Search APIs to order external listings by last posted, when Most responsive sorting is selected (we do not track responsiveness of external companies).
  • Display last checked date on external listings.
  • Webhook alert to Sales team when external position has received 5 applications.
  • Changed default Hiding setting on company accounts to Your account so that candidates are only hidden from individual users, and not all company users.
  • Improved unpaid company account so that users can easily find candidates who have shown interest in their positions; can invite their team on the setup flow; and company name and location is auto-populated on the checkout url.
  • Updated copy across site to reflect new skillsets.
  • Added a check to prevent scheduled subscription IDs from being entered on the admin console.

🔧 Fixes

  • Fixed duplicated external page load on external position listings.
  • Fixed duplication position tab shown on external position listings.
  • Fixed bug on mobile view of external company profile.
  • Fixed bug on mobile on Search tabs.
  • Fixed issue one company account was having with switching their ATS integration from Workable to Lever.
  • Fixed issue where candidates that were not yet verified were being counted as shortlisted for external positions.
  • Fixed company logo not appearing on company profile when candidate is about to message.
  • Changed external listing to external position.
  • Fixed issue where candidates who start typing a message, but don't finish cannot come back to send it later.
  • Fixed issue where some companies do not have any data added to the company_info row in the database.
  • Refactored external listing uploaer to batch by company.
  • Fixed candidate account verification email error.
  • Fixed issue where candidate full profile still has information redacted after godmoding into account with full access.
  • Fixed issue where external companies were incorrectly set to account claimed on creation.
  • Forced casting Hubspot ID as a string for Vitally (CS software)
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