🛄 Claiming company profiles

Companies not yet using cord but who have positions indexed and posted on cord will now be able to claim and get access to their cord profile.

Project: 👜 Claim your profile Type: 🚀 Feature User: 🏢 Company

Key changes

Notion image

Companies not yet using cord but who have positions indexed and posted on cord will now be able to claim and get access to their cord profile.


Previously, any company interested in using cord would click to “see live candidates” (getting into a temporary demo account that expires after 20 mins), or to book a demo with the Sales team.

Both these solutions are far from ideal. The first created an unnecessarily limited experience, and the second is high friction - it relied on someone having the time to go on a demo, and they needed to be willing to pay to want to engage in the first place, in a product they might not yet trust.

Since cord is now creating limited company profiles for all external position listing, it makes sense to allow companies to either create or claim their cord profile - and start getting continuous, but limited value from cord.


Claiming their profile allows companies to:

  • Manage their positions and redirect applications to their careers page
  • See redirected candidates in their saved candidates page
  • Enhance their company profile page & employer brand
  • Benchmark salaries with cord's salary tool
  • Preview 10,000s of candidates
  • Activate their subscription to get direct messaging access & view candidates & receive direct applications on cord.


A team effort from Marco, David, Jiyeon, Vinu, Katerina and Tom!

What’s next?

We’re going to continue investing in the project to ensure it is simple and frictionless for all tech companies who are hiring to claim their cord profile.

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