👍 Top fit and Great fit

See which candidates match your positions

Project: Repositioning cord Type: 🚀 Feature User: 🏢 Company

Key changes

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To help companies prioritise applications, we’ve added a ‘Top Fit’ or ‘Great Fit’ badge on the applicants that best match the position criteria.


Recent changes in market dynamics has caused an increase in the amount of applications sent on cord, and candidates’ experience now relies more on companies' positive response rate than ever before.

We wanted to make it simple for company users to easily spot inbound requests from candidates that are likely to be a great fit for their position.


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We now calculate a % fit for each application sent to a company and we'll be using this % to highlight candidates that are a "Great fit” or “Top fit” for the position they applied for.

This will also help us understand how relevant applications are on cord. So far it appears that around ~65% of current applications pending have a 83% fit score. How the percentage is calculated is explained in more detail below.



"Top fit" applicants match ALL of the following criteria with the position:

  • Job title in common
  • Seniority in common
  • Skill in common
    • Either primary, secondary or tech stack
  • Work type/preference in common (onsite/hybrid/remote)
  • Location in common
    • Either current location or location preference
    • If position is remote, then application must have the same remote location preference as the position's
  • Work eligibility meets the position requirements

"Great fit" applicants will have a seniority match with the position and at least 4 out of 5 of the following criteria:

  • Job title in common
  • Skill in common
    • Either primary, secondary or tech stack
  • Work type/preference in common (onsite/hybrid/remote)
  • Location in common
    • Either current location or location preference
    • If position is remote, then application must have the same remote location preference as the position's
  • Work eligibility meets the position requirements

Thanks to Katerina (Design & Project Lead) and Hasan (BE) for releasing this feature 🎉

What’s next?

This was part of a project to reposition cord and move away from being a “sourcing tool”, given the market changes and increase in inbound applications. This was a stand-alone feature, but we will be keeping an eye on the % of great fit and top fit applications that are being accepted, and how it impacts the average response time.

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