📢 Latest updates: Discovering positions

Latest updates

We’ve released a series of new features designed to streamline your job search, making it quicker and easier to find relevant positions and apply.

Here’s what’s new:

1. All the important information upfront

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Our newly revamped position card layout allows you to compare job positions and see requirements at a glance. Quickly assess whether a position might be right without unnecessary clicks. You can now also view all positions sorted by most relevant by default.


2. Quicker navigation through positions

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Navigating through job positions is now smoother and more interactive:

  • Arrow navigation: Use the next and previous arrows to move between positions effortlessly.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Navigate using the left (←) and right (→) arrow keys.
  • Swipe on mobile: Swipe left or right on mobile devices for easy navigation.

These improvements allow you to go through all relevant positions seamlessly without having to open and close pages in different tabs.


3. New position interactions

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We’ve made interacting with positions more intuitive:

Liking a position

  • Click the thumbs up button or use the keyboard shortcut 'L' to like a position.
  • All liked positions will appear on your liked position list, so you can come back to them later.

Positions that aren’t right

  • Click the thumbs down button or use the keyboard shortcut 'N'
  • Marking as not right essentially hides the position, and it will not appear again in your Discover and Search pages


  • Click the paper airplane icon to apply to a position or use keyboard shortcut ‘A’

4. Improved search functionality

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We’ve significantly enhanced the search experience to help you find relevant positions more efficiently:

  • New search bar: Now accessible from every page, the new search bar autofocuses and expands when clicked, guiding you to search by job title, company, skill or industry. See how many results you can expect, upfront.
  • Saved searches: Save your searches with custom names and set notification preferences. Manage these searches easily from the search bar.

What’s next?

We're actively collecting user feedback to continue enhancing these features. Upcoming updates will include enhancements to the usability and accessibility of search filters, and enabling users to track all of their job applications in one place on cord.

We would love to hear what you think of these new updates - please share your feedback with anna@cord.co

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