🪄 cord CV updates

Improvements to the cord CV and announcing the AI text enhancer

Project: cord CV Type: 🚀 Feature AND ✨ Enhancement User: 💁🏻‍♀️ People

From guest writer, AI magician and FE lead, Andrés.

Key changes

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As part of our constant quest to empower our cord users, we’re thrilled to announce several new features we’ve been crafting behind the scenes. These improvements aim to provide better control over cord CVs, boost profile customisation, and bring attention to the AI Text Enhancer. 🚀


Users need more autonomy over their cord CVs and want assistance presenting themselves, and providing smart tools to improve their written content will (hopefully) significantly enhance their overall experience and make it easier for them to communicate their unique skills and attributes.


We have rolled out four major improvements:

  1. Educate users on cord CV: We’ve added a new cord CV section at the top of candidate profiles, bringing attention to, and giving easy control of users’ cord CVs
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  1. Customize cord CV: Users can now personalize which sections are shown on their cord CV - for instance, they can choose to hide their profile picture. 🖼️ 
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  1. Default CV Selection: Users now have the option to select their default CV - and whichever one they select will be sent to companies, be it cord or their own. 📄 
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  1. AI Text Enhancer Announcement: Finally we added a product Announcement that introduces the Text Enhancer with a fancy smancy animation made by Katerina. The announcement CTA also links the users straight to the tool, so they can try it out. 🖊️🔍

Plus, we’ve made access to these controls easier by updating the CV dropdown menu, and users who update their profile information will now see a popup reminding them that they can download their updated cord CV.


This wouldn’t have been possible without an incredible team effort. A big thank you to MEEE [Andres] for the frontend work, @Hasan for the impeccable backend development, and @Katerina for the intuitive, pretty designs. Also, kudos to @david@tom@Anna, and @ben for their valuable support, feedback, and rigorous testing!

What’s next?

Let us know your thoughts and feedback. Feedback is instrumental in shaping cord. Don’t hesitate to drop an email to anna@cord.co !

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